About Explomo

We Are The Best Solution

At Explomo, we believe that the success of the company and that of our clients lies with our solid foundation in technical capabilities, our extra-mile customer service quality and our staff. All of these coupled together with the resolute commitment towards the health and safety of every single employee, both on and off work, demonstrates our firm dedication and professionalism in all of our undertakings which embodies the success of Explomo in delivering our brand promise to our customers.

In Recognition Of Our Reliable & Consistent Service Standards

Our Certifications & Awards

ISO 9001 Certification
This certification demonstrates our ability to develop and improve performance, conduct high levels of service quality and working more efficiently to meet statutory and regulatory requirements.
ISO 45001 Certification
This certification enables us to manage operational health and safety risks to improve overall standards and performance. This also emphasises the company’s commitment to our employees’ safety and well-being.
BizSafe 3
The attainment of the bizSafe Level 3 accreditation by the WSH Council which signifies the company’s excellence in delivering Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Safety and Risk Management.